Our proven, reliable formula for getting you more prospects, visibility, credibility, and search engine optimization through press releases has helped many customers, in a wide variety of industries.
Here is just a partial listing:
- StopAFIB.org
- Cellar Angels
- Certified Care.org
- CFIDS Association of America
- Deidox.com
- Gilda’s Club
- HomeAid.net
- Magnesium Association
- National Association of Conservative Seniors
- Portnoy Media Group
- Tourism Authority of Thailand
- World Nature Coalition
Small Business
- AgranOil.com
- BirdTricks.com
- Brightway Insurance
- Business Expert Webinars
- CKO Kickboxing
- Compensation Analytics
- Cool-Jams
- Cop Coffee
- Coupon Park.com
- CreditMonkey
- DogTrainingSecret.com
- Design Success University
- DTWR.com
- EarthKind
- ERI, Employment Resources, Inc., (Florida)
- EvoApp
- Excelsior Metals
- Gemperle Farms
- Gratitude Gift Bags
- Hapacus
- Headsets.com
- HookPrice.com
- Hypnotic Eye Rocket System
- Ideal Cost
- Jada Michaels
- Joe’s Hitch, Trailer and Truck Accessories
- Live Music Tutor
- Lohmann Tapes
- Manawa (Canada)
- Porte Brown
- Prfessor.com
- Sanovis
- Service Quality Institute
- Strategic Analysis Corporation
- Swantegy
- Team Pro Force
- Tylers Coffee
- Unguru.me
- Actify
- Apricorn
- Bizhappy
- Cash Map – app
- CharityDeductions.com – app
- EcoNoon
- Elfly Technologies
- Form Tools
- Fluid Computer Systems
- Gen-Ark
- Husband Motivator – app
- My Size Finder – app
- Sanovis
- Touchnote – app
- Yale Winter – game developer
- When I Work- app
- Empty Leg Jet Travel
- Llama Expediions
- Ocean Reach Condominiums
- Sorrento Food Tours
- Tourism Authority of Thailand
Authors, Speakers, Coaches
- Amy Showalter, “The Underdog Edge”
- Antonio Smith, “The Sellionaire”
- Audrey Thomas, Organized Audrey
- Aurora Winter, Grief Coach Academy
- Bob Phibbs, Retail Doc
- Brenda Zofrea, “Lets B Safe”
- Brian Gast, “The Business of Wanting More”
- Carol Paul, “Team Clean”
- Cheryl Cran
- Clifford Irving, “Autobiography of Howard Hughes”
- Candace Campell, “I Was A Preemie”
- Cynthia Occelli
- Todd Cohen, “Everyone’s In Sales”
- Cordell Davenport, “Basketball to Success”
- Craig Wilson, “Dating for Life”
- Dan Portnoy, “Non-Profit Narrative”
- Dana Borowka, “Cracking the Business Code”
- David Hearne, “Hulagu’s Revenge”
- Darren LaCroix, “Get More Laughs”
- David Horsager, “The Trust Edge”
- David A. Koop, “Cancer: It’s a Good Thing I Got It”
- David Levin, “Don’t Just Be Heard”
- David Washington, “Life Is a Choice: How to Be a Success in Life”
- Deirdre Capone, “Uncle Al: The Untold Story From Inside His Family”
- Dianna Booher, “Creating Personal Presence”
- Don Spini, “60 Seconds to Yes”
- Ellen Whitehurst, “Make This Your Lucky Day”
- Esmonde Holowaty, “Unleash the Billionaire Within”
- Gary Henson, businesscoach.com
- Gary Patterson, “Stick Out Your Balance Sheet and Cough”
- Gregory Jones, “Job – A Man for His Time, A Man for Our Time, A Man for All Time”
- Heidi Sloss, “Fortune Is in the Follow Up”
- Henry DeVries, “Closing America’s Job Gap”
- Ian Miller, “Rocket Branding”
- Jag Randhawa, “The Bright Idea Box”
- James Denison, “Radical Islam, What You Need to Know”
- James Donaldson, “Standing Above the Crowd”
- James Malinchak
- Jean Palmer Heck, “Tough Talks in Tough Times”
- Jeff Harris, “Retire Rich and Happy”
- Jim Palmer, “Stop Waiting for it to Get Easier”
- Joel Comm, “So, What Do You Do?”
- John Tschohl, “Moving Up”
- Jonathan Sprinkles, communications coach
- Judith Belmont, “Swiss Cheese Theory of Life”
- Julie Renee During, “Your Divine Human Blueprint”
- Julia Simens, “Emotional Resilience for the Expat Child”
- Katherine Radeka, “The Mastery of Business Innovation”
- Karen Steed-Terry, “Full-Time Woman, Part-Time Career”
- Laura Stack, “SuperCompetent”
- Lauren Miller, “Release the Stress around Breast Cancer”
- Lee Salz, “Stop Speaking for Free”
- Lisa Nirell, “Energize Growth”
- Lisa Phillips, “Faith Steps for Military Families”
- Lydia Ramsey, “Manners That Sell”
- Mr. Mojo, anti-bullying
- Marie Marley, Alzheimer’s issues
- Marjory Wildcraft, “Backyard Food Production”
- Mark LeBlanc, “Small Business Success”
- Max Karimbeik, “Vacations for the Soul”
- Mary Kelly, “15 Ways to Grow Your Business in Every Economy”
- Matt Patterson, “My Emily”
- Melissa G. Wilson, “Networking Is Dead”
- Michael Bloom, The Accidental Caregiver’s Survival
Guide: Your Roadmap to Caregiving without Regret” - Michelle DeBerge, executive women’s life coach
- Mike Schatski,”The Great Fat Fraud”
- Milton Carl, “God’s Miracle Cure”
- Nancy Berk, “College Bound and Gagged”
- Nancy Juetten, “Bye Bye Boring Bio”
- Neil Fiore, “The Now Habit”
- Patricia Lynch, “Business Alignment Strategies”
- Paula Bisacre, “Remarriage Works”
- Peter McCarthy, “Adrenaline Nation”
- Philippa Gamse, “Websites That Win”
- Renie Cavallari, “Aspire to be..”
- Rich Blonna, “Sex ACT”
- Richard Norris, “Hoof It”
- Robert Tipton “Jump!”
- Ron Karr, “Lead, Sell or Get Out of the Way”
- Sam Richter, “Take the Cold Out of Cold Calling”
- Sandra Lamb, “3,000 Power Words and Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews”
- Scott Duffy, “Launch! The Critical 90 Days from Idea to Market”
- Shane Ellison, “The People’s Chemist”
- Shari Harley, “How to Say Anything to Anyone”
- Silvana Clark, “Fun-Filled Parenting: A Guide to Laughing More and Yelling Less”
- Simon Casey, Emotional Mastery International
- Sterling Ledet, Google+ Business Leader
- Steve Suggs, “Can They Sell – How to Recruit the Best Salespeople”
- Stephen Moulton “The CEO’s Advantage – 7 Keys for Hiring Extraordinary Leaders”
- Sylvia LaFair, “Don’t Bring It to Work”
- Sylvia Moss, “Angels of New York”
- Tammy Nelson, “Getting the Sex You Want”
- Todd Cohen, “Everyone’s In Sales”
- Todd Patkin, “Finding Happiness: One Man’s Quest to Beat Depression and Anxiety and—Finally—Let the Sunshine In”
- Vicki Adesco, bullying
- Woody Woodward, “Your Emotional Fingerprint”
- PR firms used our services to promote their clients books, as follow:
- Joe Callaway, “Clients First: The Two Word Miracle “
- “Guilty Until Proven Innocent,” Michelle Gesse
- Todd Patkin, “Finding Happiness: One Man’s Quest to Beat Depression and Anxiety and—Finally—Let the Sunshine In”
- Bill McBean, ” The Facts of Business Life: What Every Successful Business Owner Knows That You Don’t”
- Steve Dinkin, “The Exchange Strategy for Managing Conflict in Health Care: How to Defuse Emotions and Create Solutions When the Stakes Are High“
- Gregory Downing, “Entrepreneur Unleashed: Wealth to Stand the Test of Time“
- Michael Houlihan, “The Barefoot Spirit: How Hardship, Hustle, and Heart Built a Bestselling Wine“
- Arleah Shechtman, “My Beloved Child: My Journey Since the Death of My Daughter
Business Consultants
- 80/20 Marketing, Kevin Donlin
- 80/20 Strategy, Nikhil Vaidya
- Apogee Communications Group
- Bob Acton, oil and gas industry
- Christian Mickelsen
- Clausen Consulting
- CompassX, Kyle Heppenstall
- Factor In Talent
- Good Works Consulting
- Granite Consulting Group, Inc., Michael Bechara
- Human Resource Solutions, Roberta Matuson
- Jeffrey Harfenist, corporate compliance
- Karen Armon, MarketOne
- Kubica/LaForest
- Labor Relations Institute
- Lucien Canton, Emergency Management Consultant
- MedPharma Partners
- NI Research
- PDUs to Go, Jennifer Whitt
- Pine Financial Group, Inc.
- Sarah Thrift
- SBI, Inc., Ted Gee
- Service Quality Institute, John Tschohl
- The Book Shepherd
- True Color, Heather Evans
- Visionary Management Inc.
- Westcoast Marketing, Frank Saltzburg
- Your Part-Time HR Manager
Designers, Decorators, Architects
- Design Success University
- Faith Sheridan Design Group, Seattle
- Interiors by Donna Hoffman, Philadelphia
- Kristin Drohan Collection, Boston
- Miller Interior Design, Seattle
- Nielsen-Wilson Design, Los Angeles
- Nirmada Interior Architectural Design, New York
- Roth Design Group, Ltd., Los Angeles
Attorneys and Legal Software
- Ed Poll
- James E. Ballidis
- Jonathan Cooper
- Dawn Fleming, Esquire
- Disparti Law Group
- Elfly Technologies
- Marcy Jones
- All About Cholesterol.com
- Ageless Secret.com
- Brian’s Beginners (dance videos)
- Candy Campbell, RN
- CKO Kickboxing Franchise
- The H Doctor, Dr. Eduardo Krazewski
- Dr. David Mark Klapper
- Dashama Golden (yoga products)
- Dr. James Ehrlich
- Dr. Richard Bionna
- Dr. Naheed Ali, “Diabetes and You”
- Eastern Long Island Hospital
- Justine SanFilippo, personal trainer
- HypnoFertility Foundation
- MedWait.com
- NI Research
- Reiki Awakening Academy
- Sani-Cast
- Sanovas
- StopAFIB.org
PR/Marketing/SEO Firms
- BeTheMedia
- Becky DeGrossa
- Bernstein Crisis Management
- Excellent Artist
- Celebrity Branding Agency
- Choice Marketing Group
- Fenster Communications
- Flash Communications
- Krupp Kommunications
- Nancy Juetten
- Promising Promotion – Jill Lublin
- Real PR Media
- RLM Communications
- Rubenstein
Real Estate
- Instanet Solutions
- iPostCodes
- Mike Wolf Mastery
- Real Estate Financial Group
- Epic Real Estate.com
- Mortgage Compliance Magazine
Education, Training
- “SAT Success Coach” Megan Dorsey
- LiveMusicTutor.com
- Maverick Marketing
- MBS College, Crete, Greece
- Social Media Marketing University
- SDE – Staff Development for Educators
- University of California/San Diego
- Elizabeth Venturini
- Pat Wyman,”How to Learn.com”
- Test Prep Gurus.com
Non-U.S. Companies
- Cop Coffee – Toronto, Canada
- iTrustCodes – Australia
- Grupo Carso – Mexico
- Lohmann Tapes – Germany
- Manawa – Toronto, Canada
- MBS College – Crete, Greece
- Swantegy -Brussels, Belgium
- Tourism Authority of Thailand – Thailand
Personal Finance/Investing
- Angel Capital Association
- Cambridge Southern
- Cambridge Wealth Counsel
- CreditMonkey
- Derrick Kinney
- eTechMoney, Inc.
- Maverick Trading
- Mike Fuljenz
- NI Research
- Porte Brown
- Steve Juetten, CFP
- Universal Coin & Bullion
- CKO Kickboxing – Augusta, NJ
- CKO Kickboxing – Eatontown, NJ
- CKO Kickboxing – Edison, NJ
- CKO Kickboxing – Greenville, SC
- CKO Kickboxing – Jacksonville, NC
- CKO Kickboxing – Middletown, NJ
- CKO Kickboxing – San Diego
- CKO Kickboxing – Seattle
- CKO Kickboxing – Tottenville, Staten Island, NY
- CKO Kickboxing – Williamsburg, Brookyn, NY
- Casey Weston
- Mongo Slade
- Beau Eckstein
- The Atlantic
- Hay House
- Chief Digital Officer Conference
- Morgan James Publishing
- Mortgage Compliance Magazine
SEO Companies
- Becky DeGrossa
- Nik Lemmens
- Help My Website Sell.com
Aging Issues
- A. Michael Bloom
- Certified Care.org
- National Association of Conservative Seniors
- National Association of Conservative Seniors
- Rad Campaign
- 2013 Summit on Customer Engagement
- 2014 Summit on Customer Engagement
- Chief Digital Officer Summit, 2013, 2014
- James Malinchak’s “Big Money Speaker Boot Camp”
- The Refine Conference, 2014