If you are not on the web — and highly visible — you will never be found by the media (or your customers).
What is a sure way to use the web to get publicity for almost any business … while reliably increasing your visibility in the search engines?
Press releases.
On top of any reporters who may call, you can get more customers hitting your web site. Customers will be more likely to buy from you because they saw you in the news, found you on Google — or both.
As you read the following case studies and make up your mind that you want these kinds of results in your business, click here to explore our service offerings and decide which best fits your needs.
Case Study #1: Robert Livingstone
Background: Robert Livingstone, President and founder of IdealCost.com, in West Palm Beach, Florida had been paying a PR firm $1,000 a month to raise his company’s profile. After four months and $4,000, what were the results?
“I got two very small media mentions,” he says. That works out to $2,000 per mention. Ouch.
So Livingstone decided to send out an online press release.
“We had our press release written by Dan Janal, and I was pretty amazed at how efficient he was,” says Livingstone.
“We are in a niche business, and Dan seemed to really understand the complexities that we were trying to get across. He created a great press release very quickly, and we were very satisfied.”
What happened after the press release was distributed online?
“We got hits in about 60 different top-tier media outlets, including FoxBusiness.com, Forbes.com, MSN Money, and a bunch of other places, as well as about 60 different blogs. We really got carried pretty well, considering we are in such a niche industry.”
That’s approximately 120 media mentions, each of which carried a traffic-building link back to Livingstone’s web site. All within about 48 hours.
What has the Guaranteed Press Releases done for Livingstone’s search engine rankings?
“After using the service, we were pretty surprised. We are paying for SEO, but the results were too quick to be just from the SEO. We jumped up to the #1 spot on Google.”
But the story gets better …
“Five different reporters called in the first couple of days after our press releases posted. And we had a nice article in a couple of trade journals, like ‘American Banker,’ where we were a featured story, and we did get a lot of interest because of that.”
What do Livingstone’s prospects and clients think of his new, higher profile in the media?
“We create a PDF file of every single place that we have been mentioned in because of Dan’s service. When people go to our Web site, they see a laundry list of all the top-tier media we have been featured in, and people are very impressed.”
Case Study #2: Dr. Paul Damiano
Background: As a busy professional trying to find time to promote his business, Dr. Paul Damiano, President of Good Works Consulting in Summerfield, North Carolina, had considered doing a press release on his own. But he was hesitant to take the first step …
“I had looked into it and I just wasn’t comfortable doing it,” says Damiano. “Dan had built up a lot of credibility with me through my work with him on PR Leads. I asked him what else he might recommend for a small business person who is trying to get exposure and get into some major media outlets.”
Dan Janal suggested Guaranteed Press Releases.
“Never having done one, but having a lot of faith and trust in Dan, I said, ‘Let’s do it,’” says Damiano. “I have been extraordinarily pleased with the results.”
How did it work?
“It was extraordinarily quick. Dan released it yesterday to his media outlets.”
What happened next?
“I have been overwhelmed in the best sense of the word,” says Damiano. “Within two hours of releasing my very first press release, it has been picked up by over 200 media outlets, including some very major players like Yahoo, Forbes, and CNBC. I want to use this exposure and provide links on my Web site to periodicals, news, radio, and other folks who have picked this up.”
Would Damiano do it all again?
“Absolutely, it has wildly exceeded my expectations. I can’t imagine getting that level of exposure, literally, to millions of people. This was all executed in two days from the time Dan and I started talking about it.”
Any final thoughts?
“In terms of the investment made into this process, the return has been and will continue to be astronomical and long-lasting,” says Damiano. “It is by far one of the single best investments I have made in the last four years as a small business owner.”