About Dan Janal

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So far Dan Janal has created 106 blog entries.

Insurance expert closes more business thanks to press releases from PR LEADS PressReleaseSender.com

"I closed 25 percent more business because of the improved credibility from the press release and the places it was printed." His advice for you: Use your press releases and the reprints from the media web sites in your marketing materials. You'll get more credibility and will stand out from the competition when [...]

By |2012-07-22T22:36:54+00:00July 22nd, 2012|results|1 Comment

Author Gets Speaking Engagements Thanks to Press Releases from PR LEADS’ PressReleaseSender.com

How can an author get speaking engagements? Read this amazing story from David Koop! Some things to share with you. Coping Magazine is excerpting my bestselling Book; Cancer It’s a Good Thing I Got It! It is running in their July/Aug issue. We got this because of our press release with PR LEADS’ [...]

Should International Companies Send Press Releases to U.S. Media?

Several times a month I get emails from people in other countries asking if press releases printed in US publications can help them. The answer, of course, is yes. Here’s why small businesses all around the world need to market their services and get publicity in the U.S. 1.     You get credibility from appearing in [...]

Press Release Gets Results for Sales Onboarding Company, The Revenue Accelerator

More than 5,000 special reports have been downloaded in the past eight months thanks to a press release edited and distributed by PR LEADS PressReleaseSender.com service, says Lee Salz, president of The Revenue Accelerator, which issued the report. “That shows the power of publicity,” he said. “We’re still getting double digit downloads each week, even [...]

By |2012-06-11T16:18:51+00:00June 11th, 2012|results|0 Comments

Why You Should Convert Your Articles into Press Releases

Many people who want to get free publicity with press releases don’t do so because they think they don’t have anything to say. However, if you’ve been cranking out articles, you are sitting on a gold mine of content. You can rewrite your articles into press releases. If this sounds like you, read on to [...]

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