Why Your Press Releases Don’t Get Attention

Why Your Press Releases Don’t Get Attention

I recently heard a webinar guest talk about his latest way to get rich by using Twitter.

Of course, he couldn’t just say “Use Twitter.”

He had to say, “Press releases suck so use Twitter.”

He wasn’t the first person to badmouth press releases in favor of another tactic. And he won’t be the last.

But what I find interesting is that all these “PR” people use press releases as the gold standard to compare themselves against.

Notice, they didn’t say “call reporters,” or “take a reporter to lunch” or “go to meetings where reporters go and introduce yourself,” or “learn about a reporter’s interests,” or “read the media that you want to get into,” or “take a media training course.”

They just say, “We’re better than press releases.”

My mother told me you don’t have to make the other guy sound bad to make yourself sound good.

I think that’s wise advice.

Obviously, since I sell press release services, I tend to get a little bothered by this.

After listening to this guy, I recalled several successes my clients have had with press releases:

  1. One client’s press release resulted in $122,000 worth of product being sold in one week. Of course, this doesn’t happen every day!
  2. Another client is quoted regularly in trade journals for her industry.
  3. Another client was given an on-air interview after a TV producer found his press release by searching Google.

With positive results like these, it is easy to see why press releases remain the gold standard for getting publicity.

So why do press releases get a bad rap from some people?

I have a theory.

Actually, several theories.

  1. A press release that sucks will get results that suck.
  2. A press release sent to the wrong reporter will be thrown out. Send press releases to reporters who cover your topic.
  3. A press release that is self-promotional will not be printed. No one cares about you. They care about how you can solve their problem.
  4. A press release that offers no news or information or entertainment will not help you. If your press releases aren’t interesting, no one will read them.
  5. A press release that is poorly written, badly proofread, or doesn’t follow formatting norms will make you look horrible. Reporters are looking for any reason to toss out a press release. Don’t make it easy for them by being sloppy.
  6. A press release that is distributed over an “SEO only” service will not get attention from reporters. Those services don’t send press releases to real reporters. Reporters never see those press releases. Never. Know what you are buying.
  7. A press release campaign consisting of only one press release will not get traction. Consistency and repetition are the foundation of building every skill. Marketing campaigns are no different. One and done is not a strategy to become a violin virtuoso or a media magnet.

Have your press releases fallen into any of these categories?

Did you know we have discounts for press release campaigns?

Check out our services or call us at 952-380-9844 for info on how turn your message into news.

By |2024-07-31T01:58:06+00:00May 5th, 2020|press release mistakes, press release writing|0 Comments

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